Cash in your closet, we buy handbags!
The Lady Bag is interested in buying your luxury handbag! Please read below regarding the process.
1. Complete the link below with the details and photos of your handbag. If you are unable to upload photos you can also text 801-671-9308. Please refer to the page below for the images and information to text to our team.
2. Once we receive your submission we will contact you with a quote via email within 48 business hours. If we are not interested we will email you as well.
3. Your email offer will include a initial offer. Please understand pictures do not show all details and odors. Once we get your handbag in it will be reevaluated, if our offer changes you will be emailed with a new offer. You can agree or have the bag shipped back to you for $10.
4. Your offer from The Lady Bag is good for 7 business days. Please reply back via email and accept or decline.
5. If you have a quote from a competitor you would like us to match, we match competitors pricing almost 100% of the time, sell to us and we will add $25 to your quote. Email your official quote from the company and we will email you back shortly with a new quote.
6. If you choose to accept the offer we will email you a USPS shipping label to send your merchandise to The Lady Bag. You can ship your handbag in any secure box and drop it off at your local post office.
7. Your payout will be sent via a check within 48 business hours after your bag is received and authenticated. Your estimated payout is based on the description and images sent to The Lady Bag, if the bag comes in with additional wear, an odor or not as described we will send you a new payout that you can accept or decline. If you decline it The Lady Bag will ship your bag back to you.
Thank you for your time! If you have any further questions please email or text our team at 801-671-9308.